Fantastic Fest 2016 Fest Update Master Post
Fantastic Fest 2016 was a wild ride and the Women In Caskets took you along with them. The following podcast specials are our unedited recaps of Days 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 and finally 7&8.
We hope your enjoy!
Fantastic Fest 2016 was a wild ride and the Women In Caskets took you along with them. The following podcast specials are our unedited recaps of Days 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 and finally 7&8.
We hope your enjoy!
So neither of us are blessed to be at SDCC this year, but we are attending ArmadilloCon, a local Lit and Fantasy convention with a heavy dose of SciFi and an increasing Horror presence. It's one of TX's longest running conventions and we can't wait.
Why are convention halls so creepy when they're empty?
We were totally honored to be invited to speak on a number of their panels and their schedule just went LIVE! Our panels and times are below, but if you want to see the full schedule you can go to their website HERE (worth it to go see who's going to be on the panels with us). If you are in the Austin area, join us! Their at-the-door rates are from $30-$40 per day or $55 for the full weekend.
Dates: July 29-31 2016, Omni Southpark Hotel, Austin, Texas
SF Movies of the 1950s-1970s
An appreciation of classic SF movies.
Fri 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Dawn Only
Be a Zombie!
Our panelists will talk about what it takes to be a great zombie! How do you walk, talk, dance, dress? What are our favorite examples?
Fri 9:00 PM-10:00 PM
Jen and Dawn
Comic Books You Should Be Reading
What comics should we be reading, and why?
Fri 10:00 PM-11:00 PM
Dawn Only
The Joy of Fancasting
What's happening in the world of online fandom? What are the trends? What do we love? What's involved in getting started? Topics to include podcasts, Booktube, and more.
Sat 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Jen and Dawn
Feminism and Horror Movies
Can horror movies be feminist? Can feminists love horror? Is horror ever romantic?
Sat 7:00 PM-8:00
Jen and Dawn
Open Mic!
Got a story to share? A poem, song, interpretive dance, or maybe some jokes? We're looking for attendees to show us what they've got! You'll be able to sign up for a 5 minute slot at the convention, at the Registration Table.
Sat 8:00 PM-9:00 PM
Hosted by Jen and Dawn
Women in Caskets Podcast - LIVE
The Women in Caskets podcast team is here to rock your world! They love horror. Come and enjoy the creepy!
Sun 1:00 PM-2:00 PM need to ask?
Now, there may be some moving around before the con, but this looks like it's it. We'll be all over the place, so if you're around, come find us and say HI!